Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management

Készítette: Dippold Péter


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  • Helytartó

    Gerdes, Dirk

    Minderheitenschutz eine internationale Rechtsnorm auf der Suche nach ihrem Gegenstand. Vereinte Nationen, 28 (1980) 4, 126–131.
  • Helytartó

    Gheorghe, Nicolae – Acton, Thomas

    Dealing with multiculturality: minority, ethnic, national and human rights. CSCE ODIHR Bulletin, 3 (1994) 1, 28–40.
  • Helytartó

    Gütermann, Christoph

    Minderheitenschutzverfahren des Völkerbundes. Berlin: Duncker u. Humblot 1979. 360 p. (Schriften zum Völkerrecht. 63)
  • Helytartó

    Halperin, Morton H

    Self-determination in the new world order. Washington, D. C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1992) XIV, 178 p.
  • Helytartó

    Hannum, Hurst

    Autonomy, sovereignty, and self-determination. The accomodation of conflicting rights. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr. 1992. X, 503 p.
  • Helytartó

    Harris, M.

    Human rights monitoring and the CSCE: a perspective from Budapest. Helsinki Monitor, 6 (1995) 1, 18–22.
  • Helytartó

    Hasanbegović, Jasminka

    The right of self-determination of peoples and human rights. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Dušan Janjić, Dragomir Pantić. Belgrade 1995 127–130.
  • Helytartó

    Heintze, Hans-Joachim

    Selbstbestimmungsrecht und Minderheitenrechte im Völkerrecht. Herausforderungen an d. globalen und regionalen Menschenrechtsschutz. Baden-Baden: Nomos [1994] 254 p. (Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden. 85)
  • Helytartó

    Hillgruber, Christian – Jestaedt, Matthias

    Die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention und der Schutz nationaler Minderheiten. [Bonn]: Kulturstiftung der deutschen Vertriebenen [1993]. 134 p. (Forschungsergebnisse der Studiengruppe für Politik und Völkerrecht. 17)
  • Helytartó

    Íjgyártó, István

    Codification of minority rights. In: Minorities: the new Europe’s old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 273–284.
  • Helytartó

    Ilić, Zagorka

    Report of the openended working group set up by the Commission on Human Rights to consider the drafting of a declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Commission on Human Rights 1986. 7 p. + 2 Annex.
  • Helytartó

    The International Bill of Rights. The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Ed. Louis Henklin, New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1981. X, 523 p.
  • Helytartó

    Koch, Koen

    The international community and forms of intervention in the field of minority rights protection. In: Minorities: the new Europe’s old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 253–272.
  • Helytartó

    Konovalov, Alexander – Evstafiev, Dmitri

    The problem of ethnic minority rights protection in the newly independent states. In: Minorities: the new Europe’s old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 157–183.
  • Helytartó

    Kusy, Miroslav

    Minority rights and nationality problems in Slovakia. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 200–211.
  • Helytartó

    Kymlicka, Will

    Multicultural citizenship. A liberal theory of minority rights. Oxford: Clarendon Pr. 1995. VII, 280 p.
  • Helytartó

    Lador-Lederer, J. J.

    Mobilität im Sprachgebrauch ein Menschenrecht? Europa Ethnica, 42 (1985) 1, 16–19.
  • Helytartó

    The legislative and institutional framework for the national minorities of Romania. Ed. Irina Moroianu-Zlãtescu and Ioan Oancea. Bucureºti: Romanian Institute for Human Rights 1994. 174 p
  • Helytartó

    The Leningrad minority rights conference. Papers. Ed. by Helen Krzig, Natalia Yukhneva. Copenhagen: The Minority Rights Group Danmark 1991. 164 p.
  • Helytartó

    Lerner, N.

    Group rights and discrimination in international law. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhof 1990. XIV, 181 p.
  • Helytartó

    Linguistic rights of minorities = Droits linguistiques des minorités. Ed. by Frank Horn. Rovaniemi: Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law at the Univ. of Lapland 1994 366 p. (Juridica Lapponica 9)
  • Helytartó

    McIntosh, Mary – Mac Iver, Martha Abele

    Minority rights and majority rule. Ethnic tolerance in Romania and Bulgaria. Social Forces, 73 (1995) 3, 939–968. 4 charts, 1 diagram.
  • Helytartó

    Menschenrechte und kulturelle Identität. [ein Symposion]. Hrsg. Walter Kerber [Otfried Häffe] München: Kindt 1991. 216 p. (Fragen einer neuen Weltkultur. Bd. 8)
  • Helytartó

    Menschenrechte. Volksgruppen. Regionalismus. Hrsg. von Franz Hieronymus Riedl. Wien: Braumüller (1982) IX, [II], 282 p.
  • Helytartó

    Mészáros, I.

    The regulation of ethnic minority rights in Hungary. – Vers Une Nouvelle Europe? Bruxelles 1992. 331–335.
  • Helytartó

    Das Minderheitenrecht europäischer Staaten. Hrsg von Jochen A. Frowein, Rainer Hoffmann. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer Verl. (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht. 108) (Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg) Teil 1. 1993. XIII, 536 p.
  • Helytartó

    Minderheitenschutz in Europa. Vorträge u. Diskussionbeitr. auf d. Arbeitstagung am 12./13. Okt. 1984 in Würzburg. Dt. Sektion d. Internat. Juristen-Komm. Mit Beitr. von Georg Brunner. Heidelberg: Müller, Jurist. Verl. 1985. VIII, 155 p. (Rechtsstaat in der Bewährung. 17)
  • Helytartó

    Les minorités à l’âge de l’Etat-nation. Groupement pour les Droits des Minorités. Paris: Fayard 1985. 323 p. (Géopolitiques et stratégies)
  • Helytartó

    Minorities and autonomy in Western Europe. [London]: Minority Rights Group 1991. 32 p.
  • Helytartó

    Minorities. A question of human rights? Ed. by Ben Whitaker. Oxford; New York; Toronto: Pergamon Press (1986) V, 131 p. With an introd. by Roland Oliver.]
  • Helytartó

    Minority rights in Europe: The scope for a transnational regime. Ed. by Hugh Miall. London: Pinter 1994. 120 p.
  • Helytartó

    Modeen, Tore

    The international protection of national minorities in Europe.Turku: Åbo Akademi 1969. 182 p. (Acta Academiae Åboensis. Ser. A. 37)
  • Helytartó

    Moens, Gabriel

    Die Formen des innerstaatlichen Minderheitenschutzes. Europa Ethnica, 32 (1975) 1, 2–8.
  • Helytartó

    Myntti, Kristian

    The protection of persons belonging to national minorities in Finland. Helsinki: The Advisory Board for Int. Human Rights Affairs 1991. 33 p.
  • Helytartó

    Oxenknecht, Renate

    Der Schutz ethnischer, religiöser und sprachlicher Minderheiten in Art. 27 des Internationalen Paktes über Bürgerliche und Politische Rechte vom 16. Dezember 1966. Frankfurt am Main; Bern; New York: Lang 1988. 228 p. (Schriften zum Staats- und Völkerrecht. 29)
  • Helytartó

    Peoples and minorities in international law. Ed. Catherine Brölmann, René Lefeber and Marjoleine Zieck. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Nijhoff Publ. 1993. XIII, 364 p.
  • Helytartó

    Petrič, Ernest

    Samoodločba manjšin pravica do odceptive vastvo manjšin (s posebnim ozirom na predlog Deklaracije OZN o pravicah manjšin). Razprave in Gradivo, 13 (1981) 14, 67–83. [Engl. Res.: ] The Selfdetermination of Minorities The Right to Secession The Protection of Minorities (with Special Regard to the UNO Draft Declaration on the Rights of Minorities).
  • Helytartó

    Principes fondamentaux d’un droit européen des communautés ethniques (adoptés par le Congrès des nationalités européennes à Genève, le 18 mai 1985) = Basic principles of the European rights of ethnic groups (adapted by the European Nationalities’ Congress in Geneva, 18th May 1985) Haupt Grundsätze für ein Europäisches Volksgruppenrecht. Europa Ethnica, 42 (1985) 2/3, 153–157.
  • Helytartó

    Protection of ethnic minorities. Comparative perspectives. (Held in Toronto). Ed. by Robert G. Wirsing. New York; Oxford; Toronto: Pergamon Press 1981. XII, 375 p. (Pergamon policy studies on international politics) (Papers presented at the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association. 1979)
  • Helytartó

    The protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities in Europe. Ed. John Packer and Kristian Myntti.Turku: Åbo Akademi Univ. Inst. for Human Right 1993. 260 p
  • Helytartó

    Quellensammlung zum Entwurf einer Charta der Volksgruppenrechte. = Collection of sources to the draft of a charter of rights for ethnic groups. [für d. Debatte im Ausschuß für Recht u. Bürgerrechte d. Europ. Parlaments]. Hrsg. Christoph Pan. Mitarb.: Irene Kustatscher Wien: Braumüller 1994. 163 p. (Ethnos. 44)
  • Helytartó

    Rady, Martyn

    Minority rights and self-determination in contemporary Eastern Europe. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Dušan Janjić, Dragomir Pantić. Belgrade 1995. 45–50. (also in: Slavonic and East European Review, 71 (1993) 4, 717–728.)
  • Helytartó

    Realities and perspectives of autonomy in the USSR. Proceedings of the International Conference (1991) (Trento): Provincia Autonoma di Trento 1991. 141 p.
  • Helytartó

    Rhodes, Matthew

    National identity and minority rights in the constitutions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. East European Quarterly, 29 (1995) 3, 347–369.
  • Helytartó

    Rickard, Maurice

    Liberalism, multiculturalism, and minority protection. Social Theory & Practice, 20 (1994) 2, 143–170.
  • Helytartó

    Riz, Roland

    Die Lokalautonomien zum Schutz sprachlicher Minderheiten in ihrer europäisch Perspektive. Europa Ethnica, 38 (1981) 4, 151–156.
  • Helytartó

    Rodley, Nigel S.

    Conceptual problems in the protection of minorities. International legal developments. Human Rights Quarterly, 17 (1995) 1, 48–69.
  • Helytartó

    Romania: Enemy of its own people. A report prepared for the CSCE Human Rights Conference in Paris. June 1989. Vienna: The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1989. 66 p.
  • Helytartó

    Ronen, Dov

    The quest for self-determination. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press 1979. XIV, 144 p.
  • Helytartó

    Rousso-Lenoir, Fabienne

    Minorités et droits de l’homme: l’Europe et son double. Bruylant/LGDJ; Bruxelles; Paris: Axes, 1994. 200 p.
  • Helytartó

    Rönquist, A.

    The Council of Europe framework convention for the protection of national minorities. Helsinki Monitor, 6 (1995) 1, 38–44.
  • Helytartó

    Self-determination in Europe. Proceedings of an International Workshop held at the Akademie Graz, July 5–6, 1989. [Hrsg.:] Konrad Ginther. Wien; Köln; Weimar: Böhlau 1991. 160 p.
  • Helytartó

    Siekmann, R

    The linkage between peace and security and human rights in the CSCE process. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 1, 43–51.
  • Helytartó

    Sigler, Jay A.

    Minority rights. A comparative analysis. Westport, Conn. ; London: Greenwood Press (1983) X, 245 p. (Contributions in political science. 104)
  • Helytartó

    La situation des droits de l’homme dans le territoire de l’ex-Yougoslavie (2e partie). La Nouvelle Alternative, (1993) 54–61.
  • Helytartó

    Stavenhagen, Rodolfo

    The ethnic question. Conflicts, development, and human rights. Tokyo: The United Nations University 1990. 185 p.
  • Helytartó

    Stopp, Alexander H.

    Die Behandlung ethnischer Minderheiten als Gleichheitsproblem. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges. 1994. 165 p. (Nomos-Universitätsschriften: Recht. Bd. 134)
  • Helytartó

    The territorial rights of nations and peoples. Ed. by J. R. Jakobson. Lewingston NY: The Edwin Mellen Pr. 1989.
  • Helytartó

    Thornberry, Patrick

    International law and the rights of minorities. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1991. XII, 451 p.
  • Helytartó

    Tichy, Heinz

    Die „politisch verbindliche Erklärung” der zentraleuropäischen Initiative über Minder­heitenschutz. Europa Ethnica, 51 (1994) 146–57.
  • Helytartó

    Tichy, Heinz

    The basic principles of the European rights of ethnic groups and the European nationalities. Congress in Geneva 1985. Razprave in Gradivo, 20 (1987) 9–15.
  • Helytartó

    Uden, M.

    Human rights monitoring and the CSCE. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 2, 81–84.
  • Helytartó

    The United Nation’s minority rights declaration. Ed. Alan Phillips and Allan Rosas. 1993 ; Turku: Åbo Akademi Univ. 1993. 132 p.
  • Helytartó

    US. State Department Reports. Annual U. S. Reports. Review Global Human Rights Situation, Country reports on Human Rights Practicies for 1994.
  • Helytartó

    Váli, Ferenc A.

    International minority protection from the League of Nations to the United Nations. In: The Hungarians. A divided nation. Ed. by Stephen Borsody. New Haven 1988. 101–115.
  • Helytartó

    Van Dyke, Vernon

    Human rights, ethnicity and discrimination. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. 1985. XII, 259 p. (Contributions in ethnic studies. 10)
  • Helytartó

    Várady, Tibor

    Collective minority rights and problems in their legal protection: the example of Yugoslawia.- East European Politics and Societies, 6 (1992) 3, 260–282. (Also in Regio, (Budapest) 1994. 76–87. Special English language issue.)
  • Helytartó

    Vasiljević, Vladan A.

    State and prospects of human rights in Serbia. In: Serbia between the past and the future. Ed. by Dusan Janjić. Belgrade, 1995. 104–113.
  • Helytartó

    Végel, László

    The heritage of totalitarianism and minority rights. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Dušan Janjić, Dragomir Pantić. Belgrade 1995. 112–117.
  • Helytartó

    Veiter, Theodor

    Nationalitätenkonflikt und Volksgruppenrecht im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert. Wien: Braumüller 1984. Bd. 1. 340 p. Bd. 2. Dokumente. 111 p. (Ethnos. 15, 1–3.)
  • Helytartó

    Vospernik, Reginald

    Der Schutz ethnischer Gemeinschaften im slowenisch-österreichisch-italienischen Grenzraum. In: Féderalisme, régionalisme, et droit des groupes ethniques en Europe. Hommage à Guy Héraud = Föderalismus, Regionalismus und Volksgruppenrecht in Europa. Festschrift für Guy Héraud. Hrsg. von Franz Hieronymus Riedl und Theodor Veiter. Wien 1989. 471–478.
  • Helytartó

    Writings in human and minority rights. Ed. by Frank Horn and Tuula Tervashonka. Rovaniemi: Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law at the Univ. of Lapland 1994. 6, 197 p. (Juridica Lapponica 8)
  • Helytartó

    Bowers, Stephen R.

    Ethnic politics in Eastern Europe. London: Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism 1992.
  • Helytartó

    Brunner, Georg

    Nation-states and minorities in the Eastern part of Europe. Regio, (Budapest) 1994. 5–38. (Special English language issue)
  • Helytartó

    Bugajski, Janusz

    Ethnic politics in Eastern Europe. A guide to nationality policies, organizations, and parties. Armonk, N.Y. ; London: Sharpe 1994. XXVI, 496 p.
  • Helytartó

    Bugajski, Janusz

    Nations in turmoil. Conflict and cooperation in Eastern Europe. Boulder: Westview Press, 1993. IX, 260 p. (2nd ed.: 1995.)
  • Helytartó

    Bugajski, Janusz

    The fate of minorities in Eastern Europe. Journal of Democracy, 4. (1993) 4.
  • Helytartó

    Chubin, Shahram

    Third World conflicts: trends and prospects. International Social Science Journal, 127 (1991) 147–161.
  • Helytartó

    Community conflict, partition and nationalism. Ed. by Colin H. Williams and Eleonore Kofman. New York: Routledge 1989. 261 p. ill., maps.
  • Helytartó

    Conflict, development, and NGOs. Ed. by Ranjit Chaudhuri. Calcutta: Best Books 1989. 152 p.
  • Helytartó

    Contemporary minority nationalism. Ed. by Michael Watson. London: Routledge 1990. XI, 227 p.
  • Helytartó

    Deutsch, Karl W.

    Tides among nations. New York: Free Press; London: Macmillan 1979. 342 p.
  • Helytartó

    Devetak, Silvo

    Ethnic minorities and state-nation. Equality or subjugation. The case of Central-East and South-East Europe. In: Minderheitenfragen in Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1992. 53–60.
  • Helytartó

    Devetak, Silvo

    The equality of nations and nationalities in Yugoslavia. Successes and dilemmas. Wien: Braumüller (1988) XI, 136 p.
  • Helytartó

    Enloe, Cynthia H.

    Ethnic conflict and political development. Lanham [Md.]: University Press of America, 1986. XVII, 282 p.
  • Helytartó

    Ethnic and religious conflicts. Ed. by George Tanham. New York: Crane Russak 1989.
  • Helytartó

    Ethnic autonomy, comparative dynamics. The Americas, Europe and the developing world. Ed. by Raymond L. Hall. New York: Pergamon Press 1979. XXII, 458 p. (Pergamon policy studies on ethnic issue)
  • Helytartó

    Ethnic conflict in the Western world. Ed. by Milton J. Eysman. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ. Press 1977. 399 p.
  • Helytartó

    Ethnic conflict in the world today. Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1977. III, 220 p.
  • Helytartó

    Ethnic group and state. Ed. by Paul Brass. Totowa, N.Y.: Barnes and Boble Books 1985. 341 p.
  • Helytartó

    Ethnicity and conflict in a post-communist world. The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe, Peter King, Olga Vorkunova. Hampshire: The Macmillan Press 1992. XX, 276 p. map.
  • Helytartó

    Ethnicity. Identity, conflict and crisis. Ed. by Kumar David, Santasilan Kadirgamar. Hong Kong: Arena Press, 1989. X, 303 p. maps.
  • Helytartó

    Ethnicity and nationalism. Case studies in their intrinstic tension and political dynamics. Marburg: Hitzeroth 1993. 110 p. (Marburger Studien zur neueren Geschichte. Bd. 3)
  • Helytartó

    Europe’s new nationalism. States and minorities in conflict. Ed. by Richard Caplan, John Feffer. New York; Oxford: University Press, 1996.
  • Helytartó

    Fischer, Erik

    Minorities and minority problems. New York: Vantage Press 1980. XXIV, 475 p.
  • Helytartó

    Fischer-Galați, Stephen

    National minority problems in Romania. Continuity or change? Nationalities Papers, 22 (1994) 1, 71–81.
  • Helytartó

    Gurr, Ted Robert

    Minorities at risk: A global view of ethnopolitical conflict. Washington, D. C.: United States Institute of Peace Press 1993. XII, 427 p.
  • Helytartó

    Hernaud, Guy

    Conflits ethniques en Europe. Genève, 1991.
  • Helytartó

    Hockenos, Paul

    Free to hate. The rise of the right in post-communist Eastern Europe. New York; London: Routledge 1993.
  • Helytartó

    Horowitz, Donald L.

    Ethnic groups in conflict. Berkely; Los Angeles; London: Univ. of Canada Press 1985. XIV, 697 p.