Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management

Készítette: Dippold Péter


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    Richmond, Anthony H.

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    Esman, Milton J.

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    Fisher, Ronald J.

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    Kelman, H.

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    Mack, J.

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    Montville, J. V.

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    Ross, Marc Howard

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    Van Dijk, Teun A.

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    Van Dijk, Teun A.

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    Volkan, V. D.

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    Volkan, Vamik D.

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    Browne, John

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    Halbach, Uwe

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    Biberaj, Elez

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    Bosnie. Anatomie d’un conflit. Paris: La Découverte 1996. 174 p. (Les Dossiers de l’état du monde)
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    Brown, Janice A.

    Losing tolerance. – Christian Century, 111 (1994) 30 972–974. (Focuses on the religious tensions in Bulgaria.)
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    Bulgaria. Imprisonment of ethnic Turks. Human rights abuses during the forced assimilation of the ethnic Turkish minority. 1. publ. London: Amnesty International 1986. 40 p., maps.
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    Burg, Steven L.

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    Büschenfeld, Herbert

    Kosovo. Nationalitätenkonflikt im Armenhaus Jugoslawiens. Köln: Aulis-Verl. Deubner 1991. 38 p. ill. (Problemräume Europas. 11)
  • Helytartó

    Calic, Marie-Janine

    Ethnische Konflikte in Bosnien-Herzegowina – Eine strukturelle Analyse. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995.154–173.
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    Chiclet, C.

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