Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management

Készítette: Dippold Péter


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  • Helytartó

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    Bulgarisches Helsinki Komitee. Südosteuropa, 42 (1993) 3–4, 244–256.
  • Helytartó

    Cartner, Holly

    Destroying ethnic identity: The persecution of Gypsies in Romania. New York: Helsinki Watch Committee 1991 (Helsinki Watch Report)
  • Helytartó

    Charlemagne, Jacqueline

    Les tziganes d’Europe de l’Est. Etudes, (1992) janvier, 5–14.
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    Charlemagne, Jacqueline

    Migrations est-ouest, le cas des tziganes. Paris: CERI-Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques 1992.
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    Cigánykérdés a 20. század végi Magyarországon. Roma-question in the late 20th century’s Hungary Regio, 4 (1993) 1, 84–101. Engl. Res.
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    Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Motion for a resolution on the situation of gypsies in Europe. Presented by Mrs. Verspaget. Doc. 6525. 31. October 1991. 1 p.
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    Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Report on Gypsies in Europe. Rapporteur: Mrs. Verspaget. Doc. 6733. 11 January 1993. 19 p.
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    Council of Europe. Resolution 249 of the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. 28th session (16–18 March 1993) Resolution 249 (1993) on gypsies in Europe: the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities. 4 p.
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    Crowe, David

    The Gypsies in Hungary. In: The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Armonk; London 1991. 117–132.
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    Crowe, David

    The Gypsy historical experience in Romania. In: The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Armonk; London 1991. 61–80.
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    Crowe, David

    The Roma of Hungary through the Kadar era. Nationalities Papers, 19 (1991) 3, 297–311.
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    Degrange, Michel

    Stéréotypes et dictionnaires. Ét. tsig, 20 (1974) 1, 7–16.
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    Destroying ethnic identity. The persecution of gypsies in Romania. [The Helsinki Watch Committee, Human Rights Watch. The report was written by Holly Cartner ]. New York, NY; Washington, DC: Human Rights Watch 1991. 125 p. (A Helsinki Watch Report. Sept. 1991)
  • Helytartó

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    Fraser, Angus M.

    The Gypsies. Oxford; Cambridge, MA: Blackwell 1992. IX, 359 p. 5 maps, 48 tabs. (The peoples of Europa)
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    Gheorghe, Nicolae

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    Gronemeyer, Reimer

    Zigeuner in Osteuropa. E. Bibliogr. zu d. Ländern Polen, Tschechoslowakei u. Ungarn mit e. Anh. über ältere sowjet. Literatur. München; New York; London: Saur 1983. 280 p.
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    The gypsies in Eastern Europe. [ed. in chief Henry R. Huttenbach]. New York: Association for the Study of the Nationalities of the USSR and Eastern Europe 1991. V, p. 251–439 tabs. (Nationalities papers. XIX, 3, 1991 : Special issue)
  • Helytartó

    The Gypsies in Eastern Europe. Ed. by David Crowe and John Kolsti. With an introd. by Ian Hancock. Armonk, NY ; London: Sharpe 1991. VI, 194 p.
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    Gypsies in Hungary. World Press Review, 40 (1993) 10, 35–43.
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    Hancock, Ian

    The roots of inequality. Romani cultural rights in their historical and social context. Immigrants and Minorities, 11. (1992), 3–20.
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    Hancock, Ian

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    Helleiner, Jane

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    The Roma. Group identity, political activism and policy response in post–1989-Europe. Helsinki Monitor, 4. (1993) 3.
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    Ionescu, Dan

    Violence against Gypsies escalates. Rep. East. Europe, 2 (1991) 25, 23–26.
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    Kaminski, Ignacy-Marek

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    Köhler, Thilo

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  • Helytartó

    Ladanyi, Janos

    Discrimination ethnique et auto-protection. Le cas des Tsiganes à Miskolc. Espaces et Sociétés, 64 (1991) 113–127.
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    Liégeois, Jean-Pierre – Gheorghe, Nicolae

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    Melagg, William O.

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  • Helytartó

    Neier, Aryen

    Watching rights. Nation, 260 (1995) 17, 587. (Comments on the rising tide of violence against the Roma (Gypsies) in Central and Eastern Europe. )
  • Helytartó

    Poulton, Hugh

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  • Helytartó

    Puxon, Grattan

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  • Helytartó

    Rakelman, Georgia A.

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  • Helytartó

    Ramati, Alexander

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  • Helytartó

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  • Helytartó

    Reemtsma, Katrin

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  • Helytartó

    Reemtsma, Katrin

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  • Helytartó

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    Révész, László

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  • Helytartó

    Reyniers, A.

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  • Helytartó

    Rochas, Marie-Thérèse

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  • Helytartó

    Roma. Das unbekannte Volk; Schicksal und. Kultur. Hrsg. von Mozes F. Heinschink und. Ursula Hemetek für den Verein Romano Centro, Wien. Wien; Köln; Weimar: Böhlau Verlag 1994. 206 p. ill.
  • Helytartó

    Scapegoats. Canada & the World Backgrounder, 60 (1994) 1, 16–20. (Reports that there has been a resurgence of racism against Gypsies across Eastern Europe.)
  • Helytartó

    Sebkova, Hana

    Camarade tzigane Communications, 55 (1992) 187–195. (L’Est: les mythes et le reste)
  • Helytartó

    Sebkova, Hana – Zlnayova, Edita – Hubschmannova, Milena

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  • Helytartó

    Seewann, Gerhard

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  • Helytartó

    Sewering-Wollanek, Marlis

    Die Roma in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. In: Volksgruppen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Georg Brunner und Hans Lemberg. München 1994. 253–263.
  • Helytartó

    Sonneman, T.F .

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  • Helytartó

    Struggling for ethnic identity: Czechoslovakia’s endangered Gypsies. New York: Helsinki Watch Report 1992. 153 p.
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    Szuhay, Péter

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  • Helytartó

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    Trumpener, Katie

    The time of the Gypsies. A ‘people without history’ in the narratives of the West. Critical Inquiry, 18 (1992) 4, 843–884.
  • Helytartó

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  • Helytartó

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    Tucker, Aviezer

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  • Helytartó

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  • Helytartó

    War on Gypsies. World Press Review, 41 (1994) 1, 28–31. (Gypsies are under attack all over Eastern Europe.)
  • Helytartó

    Zamfir, Catalin – Zamfir, Elena

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  • Helytartó

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