Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management


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  • Helytartó


    Ethnicity. Identity, conflict and crisis. Ed. by Kumar David, Santasilan Kadirgamar. Hong Kong: Arena Press, 1989. X, 303 p. maps.
  • Helytartó


    Mirrors of violence. Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia. Ed. by Veena Das. New Delhi: Oxford University Press 1990.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnicity and nationalism. Case studies in their intrinstic tension and political dynamics. Marburg: Hitzeroth 1993. 110 p. (Marburger Studien zur neueren Geschichte. Bd. 3)
  • Helytartó


    Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto: Lexington Books 1990.
  • Helytartó


    Europe’s new nationalism. States and minorities in conflict. Ed. by Richard Caplan, John Feffer. New York; Oxford: University Press, 1996.
  • Helytartó


    The culture of violence. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe and Marcial Rupio. Tokyo: United Nations University Press 1994.
  • Helytartó


    Dissonanzen in Europa. Der Neue Nationalismus und seine Folgen. Hrsg. von Michael Geistlinger. Wien: Braumüller 1994. 194 p. (Ethnos 43.)
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic and religious conflicts. Europa and Asia. Ed. by Peter Janke. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1994. 306 p.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnizität und Gewalt. Hrsg. Thomas Scheffler. Hamburg: Dt. Orient-Inst. 1991. 273 p. (Schriften des Deutschen Orient-Instituts)
  • Helytartó


    Political transition in South Asia. Regional cooperation, ethnic conflict, political participation. Ed. by Dagmar Bernstorff, Dieter Braun. Stuttgart: F. Steiner 1991. XVI, 168 p. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung. Bd. 137)
  • Helytartó


    Political transition in South Asia. Regional cooperation, ethnic conflict, political participation. Ed. by Dagmar Bernstorff, Dieter Braun. Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1991. XVI, 168 p. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung. 137)
  • Helytartó


    Problems of democracy, constitutionalism, political violence. Ed. by Ulrich Everding Colombo: Goethe-Institut; Colombo Law Society Trust 1994.
  • Helytartó


    Internal conflict and governance. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe. New York: St. Martin’s Press; Oslo: International Peace Research Institute 1992. XX, 300 p.
  • Helytartó


    Kleine Nationen und ethnische Minderheiten im Umbruch Europas. Ergebnisse der Internationalen Wissenschaftl. Konferenz in Maribor, Slowenien, 3.-5. Febr. 1992 = Petit nations et minorités ethniques dans une Europe en devenir = Small nations and ethnic minorities in an emerging Europe. Ed. by Silvo Devetak, Sergej Flere, Gerhard Seewann. München: Slavica Verl. A. Kovač 1993. 367 p. (Ethnica et nationes. 1)
  • Helytartó


    Sri Lanka’s ethnic conflict. Myths and reality. Colombo: Marga Institute 1983.
  • Helytartó


    Race and ethnic conflict. Contending views on prejudice, discrimination, and ethnoviolence. Ed. by Fred L. Pincus, Howard J. Ehrlich. Boulder: Westview Press 1994. XV, 408 p. ill.
  • Helytartó


    Sri Lanka’s Provincial Council System. Asian Survey, 32 (1992) 8, 723-743.
  • Helytartó


    Sri Lanka’s Tamil-Sinhalese ethnic conflict. Asian Survey, 32 (1992) 8, 712-722.
  • Helytartó


    Sri Lanka, the ethnic conflict. Myths, realities & perspectives. New Delhi : Navrang, 1984. 277 p.
  • Helytartó


    Sri Lanka. History and the roots of conflict. Ed. by Jonathan Spencer. London: Routledge, 1990. XII, 253 p.
  • Helytartó


    Sri Lanka: Problems of governance. Ed. by K. M. de Silva. Kandy: International Centre for Ethnic Studies; New Delhi: Konark Publishers 1993. 425 p.
  • Helytartó


    Minderheiten im östlichen Mitteleuropa: Deutsche und europäische Optionen. Hrsg. von Dieter W. Bricke. Ebenhausen: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik 1994.
  • Helytartó


    The national question. Nationalism, ethnic conflict, and self-determination in the 20th century. Ed. by Berch Berberoglu. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995. IX, 329 p.
  • Helytartó


    Antiracist strategies. Ed. by A. X. Cambridge, S. Feuchtwang. Aldershot: Avebury 1990. X, 162 p.
  • Helytartó


    National separatism. Ed. by Colin H. Williams. Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Press 1982. IX, 317 p.
  • Helytartó


    The art of conflict prevention. Ed by. Werner Bauwens and Luc Reychler. London: Brassey’s 1994 XIV, 218 p.
  • Helytartó


    Nationalism, ethnic conflict, and democracy. Ed. by Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1994. XXX, 146 p. maps. (A journal of democracy book)
  • Helytartó


    Relations of compatibility and incompatibility between christians and muslims in Bulgaria. Sofia: International Centre for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations’ Foundation 1995. XIX, 395 p.
  • Helytartó


    Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Dušan Janjić, Dragomir Pantić. Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences; University of Essex 1995. 135 p.
  • Helytartó


    Nationen, Nationalitäten, Minderheiten. Probleme des Nationalismus in Jugoslawien, Ungarn, Rumänien, der Tschechoslowakei, Bulgarien, Polen, der Ukraine, Italien und Österreich 1945-1990. Hrsg. von Valeria Heuberger. Wien 1994.
  • Helytartó
  • Helytartó


    The politics of ethnicity in Eastern Europe. Ed. by George Klein and Milan Reban. New York: Columbia Univ. Pr. 1981.
  • Helytartó


    Regions in upheaval. Ethnic conflict and political mobilization. Ed. by Sven Tägil. Stockholm: Esselte 1984. 314 p. (Lund studies in international history. 22)
  • Helytartó


    Conflict resolution. Cross-cultural perspectives. Ed. by Kevin Avruch, Peter W. Black, and Joseph A. Scimecca. New York: Greenwood Press 1991. X., 244 p. (Contributions in ethnic studies 28)
  • Helytartó


    Romania. National, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities. Red. Petru Gavrilescu. [s.l.]: Romanian Institute of International Studies 1993. 39 p.
  • Helytartó


    Constructive conflict management. Asia-Pacific cases. Ed. by Fred E. Jandt and Paul B. Pedersen. London: Sage 1996. 336 p.
  • Helytartó


    In search of Central Europe. Ed. by George Schöpflin and Nancy Wood. Cambridge: Polity Pr. 1989.
  • Helytartó


    Soviet nationality policies: ruling ethnic groups in the USSR. Ed. by Henry Huttenbach. London: Mansell 1990. XVI, 302 p.
  • Helytartó


    State and nation in multi-ethnic societies. The breakup of multinational states. Ed. by Uri Ra’anan … [et al.]. Manchester: Manchester University Press 1991. X, 269 p.
  • Helytartó


    The situation in the former Yugoslavia and the United Nations. – Yugoslav Survey, 34 (1993) 2, 101-154.
  • Helytartó


    Südosteuropa zu Beginn der neunziger Jahre. Reformen, Krisen u. Konflikte in d. vormals sozialist. Ländern. Hrsg. von Holm Sundhaussen. Red. Peter Brüne. Berlin: Osteuropa-Inst. d. Freien Univ. Berlin ; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Komm. 1993. 244 p. (Multidisziplinäre Veröffentlichungen / Osteuropa-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin. Bd. 4)
  • Helytartó


    International conflict resolution. Theory and practice. Ed. by Edward E Azar, John W. Burton. Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books 1986.
  • Helytartó


    Sofias Kurskorrektur in der Türken-Politik. Dokumentation von Wolfgang Höpken. – Südosteuropa, 39 (1990) 76-79.
  • Helytartó


    Studies on Kosova. Ed. by Arshi Pipa and Sami Repishti. Boulder: East European Monographs; New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1984. XIV, 279 p. (East European monographs. 155)
  • Helytartó


    Managing ethnic conflict. The Kona Statement. Princeton, NJ: Project on Ethnic Relations, 1994. 12 p.
  • Helytartó


    Volksgruppen im Spannungsfeld von Recht und Souveränität in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Hrsg. von Felix Ermacora. Wien: Braumüller 1993. XI, 343 p. (Ethnos. 40)
  • Helytartó


    Volksgruppen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Georg Brunner u. Hans Lemberg. Baden-Baden: Nomos; München: Südosteuropa-Ges. 1994. 323 p. (Südosteuropa-Studien. 52)
  • Helytartó


    Minderheiten im Konflikt. Fakten, Erfahrungen, Lösungskonzepte. Hrsg. von Kurt Müller. Zürich: Verl. Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1993. 200 p.
  • Helytartó


    Minorities in politics. International symposium on national minorities in Central Europe. (Bratislava): Czecho-Slovak Comm. of the European Cultural Foundation 1991. 55 p.
  • Helytartó


    Economic dimensions of ethnic conflict. Ed by S.W.R. de A. Samarasinghe and Reed Coughlan. London: Pinter; New York: St. Martin’s 1991. 248 p.
  • Helytartó


    The truth on Kosova. The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania, Institute of History. [Ed. staff: Kristaq Prifti ] Tirana: Encyclopaedia Publ. House 1993. 351 p.
  • Helytartó


    The politics of ethnic conflict regulation. Ed. by John McGarry and Brendan O’Leary. London: Routledge 1993. X, 321 p.
  • Helytartó


    The political economy of ethnic discrimination and affirmative action. A comparative perspective. Ed by Michael L. Wyzan. New York: Praeger 1990.
  • Helytartó


    Resolving ethnic conflicts. International Political Science Review, 13 (1992) 4, 343-456.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic minority media. An international perspective. Ed. by Stephen Harold Riggins. London: Sage 1992. 298 p. (Communications and human values)
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic mobilisation in a multi-cultural Europe. Ed. John Rex and Beatrice Drury. Avebury : Aldershot 1994. 178 p.
  • Helytartó


    Yugoslavia. Human rights abuses in Kosovo 1990-1992. (This report was written by Ivana Nizich [Nizić] and was ed. by Jeri Laber) New York, NY; Washington, DC: Helsinki Watch, Human Rights Watch 1992. I, 59 p.
  • Helytartó


    The anthropology of war and peace. Perspectives on the nuclear age. Ed by P. Turner and D. Pitt. Granby, Mass.: Bergin & Garvey, 1989.
  • Helytartó


    Peace and war: Cross-cultural perspectives. Ed. by M. L. Foster and R. Rubinstein. New Brunswick: Transaction Books 1986.
  • Helytartó


    The politics of territorial identity. Studies in European regionalism. Ed. by Stein Rokkan and Derek W. Urwin. London: Sage Publ. 1982. 438 p., maps.
  • Helytartó


    Relations between cultures. Ed. by George F. McLean and John Kromkowski. Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy 1991. X, 396 p. ill. (Cultural heritage and contemporary change. Series I, Culture and values. 4)
  • Helytartó


    Border and territorial disputes. Ed. by Alen J. Day. 2. ed. (Harlow, Essex): Longman (1987) X, 452 p. (A Keesing’s reference publication)
  • Helytartó


    Languages in contact and conflict. Contrasting experiences in the Netherlands and Belgium Ed. by Sue Wright with Helen Kelly. Clevedon [England]: Multilingual Matters, 1995. 92 p.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic conflict and international security. Ed. by. Michael E. Brown. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Univ. Pr. 1993. IX, [II], 276 p.
  • Helytartó


    The social origins of nationalist movements. Ed by John Coakley. London: Sage 1991.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic conflict in world politics. Ed. by Ted Robert Gurr and Barbara Harff. Boulder, CO: Westview Press 1994.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic conflict. Ed. by Charles P. Cozic. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 1995. 107 p. (Opposing viewpoint series)
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic conflict. International perspectives. Ed. by Jerry Boucher and Dan Landis. Newbury Park CA: Sage 1987. 331 p.
  • Helytartó


    The ethnic dimensions in international relations. Ed by Bernard Schechterman and Martin Slann. Greenwood Publishing, 1993.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic groups in international relations. Ed. by P. Smith. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1991. 352 p.
  • Helytartó


    Facetten des Fremden. Europa zwischen Nationalismus und Integration. Hrsg. von Michael Haerdter. [Nachw. Ulrich Roloff-Momin] Berlin: Argon 1992. 288 p.
  • Helytartó


    Autonomy. Challenge and /or solution. Autonómia. Kihívás és/vagy megoldás. Ed. by Ágoston Vilmos. Budapest: Ferenczy 1994. 88 + 105 p.
  • Helytartó


    International organizations and ethnic conflict. Ed. by Milton J. Esman, Shibley Telhami. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1995. X, 343 p.
  • Helytartó


    Racism and criminology. Ed. by Dee Cook and Barbara Hudson. London: Sage 1993. 208 p.
  • Helytartó


    Internationalization of ethnic conflict. Ed. by K.M. de Silva and R.J. May. London: Pinter Publishers, 1991. 211 p. (ICES ethnic studies series)
  • Helytartó


    Irredentism and international politics. Ed. by Naomi Chazan. Boulder: Rienner. 1991. IX, 160 p. (Studies in international politics) (Adamantine international studies)
  • Helytartó


    The Romanian Law on Education. A critical approach from the viewpoint of minorities. Budapest: Minority Protection Association 1996. 67 p. tab., maps.
  • Helytartó


    The Slovak State Language Law and the minorities. Critical analyses and remarks. [Budapest]: Minority Protection Association 1995. 43 p.
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Report on the situation in Romania. Rapporteur: Mr Noerens, Belgium, Liberal). 21 September 1990. Doc. 6292
  • Helytartó


    Ethnische Minderheiten in Industriegesellschaften. Hrsg.: Ingrid Haller u. Klaus F. Geiger. Kassel: GhK, Fachbereich Gesellschaftswiss., Migrationssoziologie/Interkulturelles Lernen 1991. IV, 113 p. (GhK, Migrationssoziologie Interkulturelles Lernen, Projekt. 8)
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. The situation of the minorities in Romania, debate. 26 September 1989.
  • Helytartó


    Destroying ethnic identity. The Hungarians of Romania : February 1989. Vienna: Intern. Helsinki Federation 64 p. (A Helsinki watch report)
  • Helytartó


    The endangered heritage of Romanian settlements = Le patrimoine menacé des agglomérations de Roumanie. Ed. Korompay Katalin. Budapest: The Planning Institute of Hungarian Ministry of Building and Urban Development 1988. [104] p.
  • Helytartó


    Minderheiten. Störpotential oder Chance für eine friedliche Gesellschaft? Hrsg. Helmut Fröchling. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges. 1991. 346 p. (Militär, Rüstung, Sicherheit. Bd. 67)
  • Helytartó


    Forgotten minorities. The Hungarians of East Central Europe. Ed. by N. F. Dreisziger and A. Ludanyi. Hungarian Studies Review, 16 (1989) 1/2. (Special issue.)
  • Helytartó


    Minorities: the new Europe’s old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO: Westview Pr. 1993. XII, 322 p
  • Helytartó


    Migration und ethnische Mobilisierung. Bevölkerungsverschiebungen in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Osteuropa, 43 (1993) 3, A113-A129.
  • Helytartó


    Genocide in Transylvania. Nation on the death row. A documentary. Astor, Fl.: Danubian Pr. 1985. 141 p.
  • Helytartó


    Nonstate nations in international politics. Comparative system analyses. Ed. by Judy S. Bertelsen. New York ; Washington ; London: Praeger 1977. VI, 263 p. (Praeger special studies in international politics and government)
  • Helytartó


    Rassismus und Migration in Europa. Beiträge des Kongresses „Migration und Rassismus in Europa” Hamburg, 26. bis 30. September 1990. Hamburg; Berlin: Argument 1992. 564 p. (Argument Sonderband. AS 201)
  • Helytartó


    Human rights violations of minorities in Transylvania. Genčve: SOS Transylvanie Committee 1989. 31, 28, 28 p.
  • Helytartó


    The Hungarian minority in Slovakia. Ed. Bauer Edit. Genčve: S.O.S Transylvania Genčve Committee 1994. 47 p.
  • Helytartó


    The sociobiology of ethnocentrism. Evolutionary dimensions of xenophobia, disrimination, racism and nationalism. Ed. by Vincent Falger, Vernon Reynolds and Ian Vine. Athens: University of Georgia Pr. 1987.
  • Helytartó


    The Hungarian minority’s situation in Ceausescu’s Romania. Ed. Rudolf Joó. New York: Columbia U.P. 1994. XVIII, 157 p. (East European monographs)
  • Helytartó


    Peace accords and ethnic conflicts. Ed. by K. M. Samarasinghe and S. W. R. de Silva. London; New York: Pinter 1993. X, 208 p. (ICES ethnic studies series)
  • Helytartó


    The Hungarians. A divided nation. Ed. by Stephen Borsody. New Haven: Yale Center for International and Area Studies 1988. 405 p.
  • Helytartó


    The Anthropology of East Europe Review. Special issue. War among the Yugoslavs. Ed. by David A. Kideckel and Joel M. Harper. 11 (1993) 1-2, 135 p.
  • Helytartó


    Hungarians in Czechoslovakia yesterday and today Ed. by Edward Chaszar. Astor, FL: Danubian Pr. 1988. 136 p.
  • Helytartó


    The Anthropology of Europe. Identity and boundaries in conflict. Ed. by Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, and Cris Shore. Oxford: Berg, 1994. X, 310 p. (Explorations in anthropology)
  • Helytartó


    Anthropological contributions to conflict resolution. Ed. by Alvin Wolfe and Honggang Yang. Athens, GA : The University of Georgia Press, 1996. (Southern Anthropological Society proceedings. 29)