Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management


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  • Helytartó


    Ethnicity and ressource competition in plural societies. Ed. by Leo A. Despre. The Hague; Paris: Mouton ; Chicago: Aldine Publ. 1975. XII, 221 p. (World anthropology. An interdisciplinary series)
  • Helytartó


    Searching for moorings. East Central Europe in the international system. Ed. Jeffrey Laurenti. (New York): (UNA-USA) 1994. X, 133 p.
  • Helytartó


    Key symposium for anthropological contributions to conflict resolution. Atlanta: University of Georgia Press.
  • Helytartó


    Memorandum and testimony of the Transylvanian World Federation and American Hungarian Federation to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Conference on security and co-operation in Europe. 1986, Vienna. Wien 1986. 124 p.
  • Helytartó


    La minorité hongroise de Slovaquie. Red. Edit Bauer. Genčve: S.O.S Transylvanie-Comité de Genčve 1994. 43 p.
  • Helytartó


    The social dynamics of peace and conflict. Culture in international security. Ed by Robert A. Rubinstein and M. L. Foster. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988.
  • Helytartó


    News from Romania: Ethnic conflict in Tirgu Mures. News from Helsinki Watch, (1990) May, 9 p.
  • Helytartó


    Democratization and ethnic conflict. Summary of two meetings. Ed. by Lois E. Peterson and Sabri Sayari. Panel on Issues in Democratization, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press 1992. 17 p.
  • Helytartó


    Since the revolution. Human rights in Romania. A Helsinki Watch Report. 1991. March. New York. 23 p.
  • Helytartó


    Language, ethnicity and intergroup relations. [Hrsg.:] Howard Giles. London: Acad. Press 1977. 370 p. (European monographs in social psychology. 13)
  • Helytartó


    Transylvania : A report on suppression of the Hungarian minority in Romania. Ed. by Björk Funnemark. Vienna: Intern. Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1988. 60 p.
  • Helytartó


    Transylvania. The roots of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Cadzow, Andrew Ludanyi and Louis Éltetõ. Kent OH: Kent State Univ. Pr. 1983. VI, 368 p.
  • Helytartó


    We are afraid. Possibilities of avoiding and solving ethnic and social conflicts. Conference Material. Félünk. Etnikai és szociális konfliktusok elkerülésének, feloldásának lehetõségei. Konferencia anyag. Ed. by Nagy Gábor Tamás. Budapest: Humanitas Civitatis Foundation, 1993. 138 p.
  • Helytartó


    Charta des Mindeststandards der Minderheitenrechte, beschlossen auf dem XV. Treffen der Volksgruppen der Nachbarländer am 20.10.1990 in Osijek/Eszek in Kroatien. Europa Ethnica, 48 (1991) 1, 31-35.
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe / Europen Commission for Democracy through Law Strasbourg. Proposal for a European convention for the protection of minorities. (Adopted during the 6th meeting, on 8 February 1991) Conseil de l’Europe, Commission Européenne pour la Démocratie par le Droit. Strasbourg: Council of Europe 1991. 13 p. (CDL. 91, 7)
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe / Parliamentary Assembly / Ordinary Session (42, 1990, Strasbourg.) Recommendation 1134 (1990) on the rights of minorities / Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe / 42. Ordinary Session = Recommandation 1134 (1990) relative aux droits des minorités / Assemblée
  • Helytartó


    Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. London: Minority Rights Group 1993. 48 p.
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe. Standing Conference of Local and Regional authorities of Europe. Vingt-huitičme Session (Strasbourg, 16-18. mars 1993). Projet de rapport sur tsiganes en Europe: Le rôle des autorites locales et régionales. Rapporteurs: MM. Gémesi et O’Brien. CPL (28) 10 Partie 2.21 p.
  • Helytartó


    Azerbaijan. Seven years of conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Human Rights Watch/Helsinki. — New York : Human Rights Watch, 1994. XIV, 118 p. map
  • Helytartó


    Bulgarisches Helsinki Komitee. Südosteuropa, 42 (1993) 3-4, 244-256.
  • Helytartó


    Documents on autonomy and minority rights. Ed. by Hurst Hannum. Dordrecht ; Boston ; London: Nijhoff Publ. 1993. XXI, 779 p.
  • Helytartó


    Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Ethnicity and conflict. Ed. by Vitaly V. Naumkin. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press 1994. XIII, 242 p. (Contributions in political science. 339)
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic conflict in the post-Soviet world. Case studies and analysis. Ed. by Leokadia Drobizheva … [et al.] Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1996.
  • Helytartó


    Cigánykérdés a 20. század végi Magyarországon. Roma-question in the late 20th century’s Hungary Regio, 4 (1993) 1, 84-101. Engl. Res.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic conflict in the Soviet Union. Ed by Charles Tilly and L. Walker. – Theory and Society, 20 (1991) 569-724 .- Special issue.
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Motion for a resolution on the situation of gypsies in Europe. Presented by Mrs. Verspaget. Doc. 6525. 31. October 1991. 1 p.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic conflicts and human righs. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe. Oslo: The U. N. University; Norwegian University Press 1988.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic nationalism and regional conflict. The former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Ed. by W. Raymond Duncan and Paul G. Holman Jr. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press 1994. IX, 218 p. maps.
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Report on Gypsies in Europe. Rapporteur: Mrs. Verspaget. Doc. 6733. 11 January 1993. 19 p.
  • Helytartó


    Ethnic, social and religious conflict. The rights of minorities Ed. by Alan Phillips. (New Delhi): Minority Rights Group 1991. 53 p.
  • Helytartó


    Ex-URSS: les états du divorce. – Notes et Etudes Documentaires, (1993) 1-198.
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe. Resolution 249 of the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. 28th session (16-18 March 1993) Resolution 249 (1993) on gypsies in Europe: the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities. 4 p.
  • Helytartó


    Council of Europe/Parliamentary Assembly/ Ordinary session (44, 1993, Strasbourg) Recommendation 1203 of the Parliamentary Assembly (on Gypsies in Europe). 2 February 1993. 4 p.
  • Helytartó


    Fédéralisme, régionalisme et droit des groupes ethniques en Europe = Föderalismus, Regionalismus und Volksgruppenrecht in Europa. Ed. by Franz Hieronymus Riedl and Theodor Veiter. Wien: Braumüller (1989) XIII, 521 p.
  • Helytartó


    CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. Report on Roma/Gypsies in the CSCE Region, 21-23 Septembre 1993.
  • Helytartó


    Destroying ethnic identity. The persecution of gypsies in Romania. [The Helsinki Watch Committee, Human Rights Watch. The report was written by Holly Cartner ]. New York, NY; Washington, DC: Human Rights Watch 1991. 125 p. (A Helsinki Watch Report. Sept. 1991)
  • Helytartó


    Les familles Roms d’Europe de l’Est. Ed. Claire Auzias. Paris: Institut de l’enfance et de la famille, 1993. 113 p. (IDEF 3)
  • Helytartó


    The International Bill of Rights. The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Ed. Louis Henklin, New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1981. X, 523 p.
  • Helytartó


    The gypsies in Eastern Europe. [ed. in chief Henry R. Huttenbach]. New York: Association for the Study of the Nationalities of the USSR and Eastern Europe 1991. V, p. 251-439 tabs. (Nationalities papers. XIX, 3, 1991 : Special issue)
  • Helytartó


    The Gypsies in Eastern Europe. Ed. by David Crowe and John Kolsti. With an introd. by Ian Hancock. Armonk, NY ; London: Sharpe 1991. VI, 194 p.
  • Helytartó


    Gypsies in Hungary. World Press Review, 40 (1993) 10, 35-43.
  • Helytartó


    The legislative and institutional framework for the national minorities of Romania. Ed. Irina Moroianu-Zlãtescu and Ioan Oancea. Bucureºti: Romanian Institute for Human Rights 1994. 174 p
  • Helytartó


    Les Albanais. Un peuple des Balkans explosifs. – La Nouvelle Alternative, (1994) 3-30.
  • Helytartó


    The Leningrad minority rights conference. Papers. Ed. by Helen Krzig, Natalia Yukhneva. Copenhagen: The Minority Rights Group Danmark 1991. 164 p.
  • Helytartó


    Die Albaner im Kosovo. Göttingen: Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker 1988. 65 p. (Menschenrechtsreport. 1)
  • Helytartó


    The Albanians and their territories. Tirana: „8 Nëntori” 1985. 494 p., maps. (The Academy of Sciences of the PSR of Albania)
  • Helytartó


    Linguistic rights of minorities = Droits linguistiques des minorités. Ed. by Frank Horn. Rovaniemi: Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law at the Univ. of Lapland 1994 366 p. (Juridica Lapponica 9)
  • Helytartó


    Menschenrechte und kulturelle Identität. [ein Symposion]. Hrsg. Walter Kerber [Otfried Häffe] München: Kindt 1991. 216 p. (Fragen einer neuen Weltkultur. Bd. 8)
  • Helytartó


    Menschenrechte. Volksgruppen. Regionalismus. Hrsg. von Franz Hieronymus Riedl. Wien: Braumüller (1982) IX, [II], 282 p.
  • Helytartó


    From autonomy to colonization. Human rights in Kosovo 1989-1993. [written by Paula Tscherne-Lempiäinen u.a. Ed. by Ursula Ruston]. Vienna: International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1993. V, 87 p.
  • Helytartó


    Das Minderheitenrecht europäischer Staaten. Hrsg von Jochen A. Frowein, Rainer Hoffmann. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer Verl. (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht. 108) (Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg) Teil 1. 1993. XIII, 536 p.
  • Helytartó


    Minderheitenschutz in Europa. Vorträge u. Diskussionbeitr. auf d. Arbeitstagung am 12./13. Okt. 1984 in Würzburg. Dt. Sektion d. Internat. Juristen-Komm. Mit Beitr. von Georg Brunner. Heidelberg: Müller, Jurist. Verl. 1985. VIII, 155 p. (Rechtsstaat in der Bewährung. 17)
  • Helytartó


    Les minorités ŕ l’âge de l’Etat-nation. Groupement pour les Droits des Minorités. Paris: Fayard 1985. 323 p. (Géopolitiques et stratégies)
  • Helytartó


    Minorities and autonomy in Western Europe. [London]: Minority Rights Group 1991. 32 p.
  • Helytartó


    Minorities. A question of human rights? Ed. by Ben Whitaker. Oxford; New York; Toronto: Pergamon Press (1986) V, 131 p. With an introd. by Roland Oliver.]
  • Helytartó


    Minority rights in Europe: The scope for a transnational regime. Ed. by Hugh Miall. London: Pinter 1994. 120 p.
  • Helytartó


    Peoples and minorities in international law. Ed. Catherine Brölmann, René Lefeber and Marjoleine Zieck. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Nijhoff Publ. 1993. XIII, 364 p.
  • Helytartó


    Bulgaria. Imprisonment of ethnic Turks. Human rights abuses during the forced assimilation of the ethnic Turkish minority. 1. publ. London: Amnesty International 1986. 40 p., maps.
  • Helytartó


    Bulgaria: Continuing human rights abuses against ethnic Turks. London: Amnesty International 1987. 17 p. (External report EUR 15/01/87.)
  • Helytartó


    Principes fondamentaux d’un droit européen des communautés ethniques (adoptés par le Congrčs des nationalités européennes ŕ Genčve, le 18 mai 1985) = Basic principles of the European rights of ethnic groups (adapted by the European Nationalities’ Congress in Geneva, 18th May 1985) Haupt Grundsätze für ein Europäisches Volksgruppenrecht. Europa Ethnica, 42 (1985) 2/3, 153-157.
  • Helytartó


    Bulgarien: Die Rechte und Freiheiten der türkischen Minderheit. Dokumentation von Sabine Riedel. – Südosteuropa, 41 (1992) 131-139.
  • Helytartó


    Protection of ethnic minorities. Comparative perspectives. (Held in Toronto). Ed. by Robert G. Wirsing. New York; Oxford; Toronto: Pergamon Press 1981. XII, 375 p. (Pergamon policy studies on international politics) (Papers presented at the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association. 1979)
  • Helytartó


    The protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities in Europe. Ed. John Packer and Kristian Myntti.Turku: Åbo Akademi Univ. Inst. for Human Right 1993. 260 p
  • Helytartó


    Quellensammlung zum Entwurf einer Charta der Volksgruppenrechte. = Collection of sources to the draft of a charter of rights for ethnic groups. [für d. Debatte im Ausschuß für Recht u. Bürgerrechte d. Europ. Parlaments]. Hrsg. Christoph Pan. Mitarb.: Irene Kustatscher Wien: Braumüller 1994. 163 p. (Ethnos. 44)
  • Helytartó

    Thomas, Raju G. C.; Friman, H. Richard:

    The South Slav conflict. New York: Garland Pub. 1996. (Garland reference library of social science. 1059; Contemporary issues in European politics. 1)
  • Helytartó

    Thompson, Dale:

    Language, identity, and the nationalist impulse: Quebec Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science, 538 (1995) 69-82.
  • Helytartó

    Thornberry, Patrick:

    International law and the rights of minorities. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1991. XII, 451 p.
  • Helytartó

    Tichy, Heinz:

    Die „politisch verbindliche Erklärung” der zentraleuropäischen Initiative über Minder­heitenschutz. Europa Ethnica, 51 (1994) 146-57.
  • Helytartó

    Tichy, Heinz:

    The basic principles of the European rights of ethnic groups and the European nationalities. Congress in Geneva 1985. Razprave in Gradivo, 20 (1987) 9-15.
  • Helytartó

    Tilly, Charles:

    Revolutions and collective violence. In: Handbook of Political Science. Ed. by Greenstein and Polsby. Reading 1975. 3. 483-555.
  • Helytartó

    Tõkés, László; Raj, Tamás:

    Rights for Europe’s largest minority = Accordez des droits á la plus grande minorité d’Europe. Geneva 1989 56 , 59 p. ill.
  • Helytartó

    Tõkés, László:

    Temesvár ostroma 1989. Storm of Timioara 1989 Budapest: Hungamer 1990. 288 p.
  • Helytartó

    Tomova, Ilona:

    The Gypsies in the transition period. Sofia: International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations 1995. 144 p.
  • Helytartó

    Tong, Diane:

    Gypsies. A selected bibliography. Central and Eastern Europe. Nationalities Papers, 19 (1991) 3, 413-427.
  • Helytartó

    Trifunovska, S.:

    Multilateral response to ethnicity, nationalism and racism in contemporary Europe. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 4, 79-95
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    Makedonische Antworten auf die „makedonische Frage” 1944-1992. Nationalismus, Republiksgründung, Nation-building. – Südosteuropa, 41 (1992) 7-8, 423-442.
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    „Wie uns die Alten sungen …”. Nationalismus und Terrorismus in Makedonien seit 1967. (Dokumentation). – Südosteuropa, 35 (1986) 140-145.
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    Ethnopolitics in Bulgaria. The Turkish, Macedonian, Pomak, and Gypsy minorities. – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 1, 32-42.
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    Makedonische Antworten auf die „makedonische Frage”. Nationalismus, Republiksgründung und nation building in Vardar Makedonien 1944-1992. In: Volksgruppen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Georg Brunner und Hans Lemberg. München 1994.203-221.
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    Von bulgarischen Türken und „getürkten Bulgaren”. – Südosteuropa, 34 (1985) 359-367.
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    Zum Verhältnis von Partei, Staat und türkischer Minderheit in Bulgarien 1956-1986. In: Nationalitätenprobleme in Südosteuropa. Hrsg. v. Roland Schönfeld. München 1987. 231-253.
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    Zur bulgarischen Assimilationspolitik gegenüber der türkischen Minderheit. Geschichten aus Politbüro und 1213 Nacht. – Südosteuropa, 34 (1985) 486-506.
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    Aufgaben und Ziele vergleichender historischer Forschung zur ethnischen Struktur und zu den Nationalismen Osteuropas. Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 33 (1993) 2, 146-156.
  • Helytartó

    Troebst, Stefan:

    Präventive Friedenssicherung durch internationale Beobachtermission: Das Beispiel der KSZE-Spillover-Monitormission in Makedonien 1992-1993. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 282-331.
  • Helytartó

    Trumpener, Katie:

    The time of the Gypsies. A ’people without history’ in the narratives of the West. Critical Inquiry, 18 (1992) 4, 843-884.
  • Helytartó

    Tucker, Aviezer:

    The new Jews. -Telos, (1993-1994) 98-99, 209-217. (Comments on the traditional ethnic scapegoat role of the Romany (Gypsy) population in the former Soviet bloc.)
  • Helytartó

    Tuncoku, A. Mete:

    The rights of minorities in international law. The case of the Turkish minority in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. In: The Turks of Bulgaria. The history, culture and political fate of a minority. Ed. by K. H. Karpat. Istanbul 1990. 241-257.
  • Helytartó

    Turgeon, Lynn:

    Discrimination against and affirmative action for gypsies in Eastern Europe. In: The political economy of ethnic discrimination and affirmative action. A comparative perspective. Ed. by Michael L. Wyzan. New York 1990. 155-165.
  • Helytartó

    Tzermias, P.:

    Die leidige Mazedonienfrage. – Europäische Rundschau, 22 (1994) 3, 51-56.
  • Helytartó

    Uden, M.:

    Human rights monitoring and the CSCE. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 2, 81-84.
  • Helytartó

    Váli, Ferenc A.:

    International minority protection from the League of Nations to the United Nations. In: The Hungarians. A divided nation. Ed. by Stephen Borsody. New Haven 1988. 101-115.
  • Helytartó

    Van Dijk, Teun A.:

    Elite discourse and racism. London: Sage 1993. 336 p. (Sage series on race and ethnic relations. 6)
  • Helytartó

    Van Dijk, Teun A.:

    Communicating racism: ethnic prejudice in thought and talk. London; New York: Sage 1987. 435 p.
  • Helytartó

    Van Dyke, Vernon:

    Human rights, ethnicity and discrimination. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. 1985. XII, 259 p. (Contributions in ethnic studies. 10)
  • Helytartó

    Vanniasingham, Somasundaram:

    Sri Lanka, the conflict within. New Delhi: Lancer, 1988. XII, 200 p.
  • Helytartó

    Várady, Tibor:

    Collective minority rights and problems in their legal protection: the example of Yugoslawia.- East European Politics and Societies, 6 (1992) 3, 260-282. (Also in Regio, (Budapest) 1994. 76-87. Special English language issue.)
  • Helytartó

    Varvaroussis, Paris:

    Mazedonien als Brennpunkt der griechischen Balkan-Politik. – Aussenpolitik, 46 (1995) 4, 358-364.
  • Helytartó

    Vasileva, Darina:

    Aspects of the Ethnocultural Situation in Bulgaria. Seminar November 8-10, 1991, Sofia. – International Migration Review, 26 (1992) 4, 1457-1461.
  • Helytartó

    Vasileva, Darina:

    Bulgarian Turkish emigration and return. – International Migration Review, 26 (1992) 2, 342-353. 4 charts.
  • Helytartó

    Vasiljević, Vladan A.:

    State and prospects of human rights in Serbia. In: Serbia between the past and the future. Ed. by Dusan Janjić. Belgrade, 1995. 104-113.